Max Greenleaf

Posts Tagged ‘weather’

Dotty’s Disaster Doldrums

In Amanda Greenleaf-Whelan, Rhymes of Passion Fruit on January 21, 2010 at 12:03 am

I live in a city on fire, and Daddy’s the city’s town crier

I live in a place on a lake — in a flood, all of mud, it did take

My home and the farm near the woods — is all gone but we did what we coulds

Tornadoes have stolen my chair  — there’s books and there’s cooks in the air

This avalanche could be quite grim  — but snow feels so soft on my skin

I lived in a city on fire — they no longer need a town-crier

I lived in a tent filled with ice — my Mai Tai did taste rather nice

I lived in a house on a lake — a flood is not such a mistake

My home isn’t there anymore — see my dog as it surfs on my door?

This weather is cagey at best — and you can imagine the rest…

